#人脸识别#Implementation for <SphereFace: Deep Hypersphere Embedding for Face Recognition> in CVPR'17.
#人脸识别#face recognition algorithms in pytorch framework, including arcface, cosface, sphereface and so on
This is the implementation of paper <Additive Margin Softmax for Face Verification>
#人脸识别#Angular penalty loss functions in Pytorch (ArcFace, SphereFace, Additive Margin, CosFace)
#人脸识别#A hyperspherical face recognition library based on PyTorch
#人脸识别#An unofficial Gluon FR Toolkit for face recognition. https://gluon-face.readthedocs.io
翻译 - 用于面部识别的非官方Gluon FR工具包。 https://gluon-face.readthedocs.io
#人脸识别#face detection alignment recognition reconstruction ...
#人脸识别#One-shot Learning and deep face recognition notebooks and workshop materials
#人脸识别#SphereFace+ Implementation for <Learning towards Minimum Hyperspherical Energy> in NIPS'18.
Large-Margin Softmax Loss, Angular Softmax Loss, Additive Margin Softmax, ArcFaceLoss And FocalLoss In Tensorflow
Implementation for <Learning towards Minimum Hyperspherical Energy> in NIPS'18.
#人脸识别#An implementation of Channel Pruning on face recognition algorithm Sphereface.
#人脸识别#Implement Face Recognition Code in PyTorch. Such as SphereFace with A-Softmax.
#计算机科学#Implementation for <Regularizing Neural Networks via Minimizing Hyperspherical Energy> in CVPR'20.
#人脸识别#Implementation of related angular-margin-based classification loss functions for training (face) embedding models: SphereFace, CosFace, ArcFace and MagFace.
#人脸识别#Metric Learning TF 2.0+Keras Algorithm Implementations for Facial Recognition
#人脸识别#this repo include paper review, code in face recognition
#人脸识别#A TensorFlow implementation for SphereFace!The code can be trained on LFW.
Implement Face Recognition Code in MXnet (Gluon). Such as SphereFace with A-Softmax.
#人脸识别#A command line tool for making face-matcher embeddings for SOTA networks.