#人脸识别#face recognition algorithms in pytorch framework, including arcface, cosface, sphereface and so on
#人脸识别#face recognition training project(pytorch)
#人脸识别#Paddle Large Scale Classification Tools,supports ArcFace, CosFace, PartialFC, Data Parallel + Model Parallel. Model includes ResNet, ViT, Swin, DeiT, CaiT, FaceViT, MoCo, MAE, ConvMAE, CAE.
a deep accent recognition network
#人脸识别#Pipeline for training face recognition models (based on pytorch 1.1)
#人脸识别#A PyTorch Implementation of ShuffleFaceNet.
#人脸识别#Implementation of related angular-margin-based classification loss functions for training (face) embedding models: SphereFace, CosFace, ArcFace and MagFace.
#人脸识别#Metric Learning TF 2.0+Keras Algorithm Implementations for Facial Recognition
#人脸识别#Face Recognition training and testing framework with tensorflow 2.0 based on the well implemented arcface-tf2. Changes are added to provide tensorflow lite conversion, and provide additional backbone...
#人脸识别#VarGFaceNet Pytorch Implementation with AdaFace for LRFR