37signals policies, terms, and legal. Share them; reuse them; contribute to them.
翻译 - 大本营政策,条款和法律。分享他们;重用它们;为他们做出贡献。
SELinux Reference Policy v2
🎫 It's a kind of a digital business card including my projects thumbnails, codes, links to my social medias and a dark mode view option button .
A Declarative Cloud Firewall Reverse Proxy Solution with Companion Mobile App
SELinux Reference Policy v3 pre-alpha
🔒 A powerful PHP data desensitization tool with built-in rich desensitization calculation rules, supports dynamic authorization desensitization based on security policies.
Update_Full [UNIX] is a Free & Open-Source script written with POSIX compliance that allows for simple, customisable, and full updating of a wide variety of popular UNIX distributions through their re...
Group project for GitHub class include integrated library management system.
Build Iframe. Ignore X-Frame-Options, Content-Security-Policy, X-Content-Type-Options, X-Xss-Protection etc.
📃️🛡️📄️ Security information for @seanpm2001
Default Community Health File: We at Ghetto Geekk LLC prioritize our clients over our profits, but we also care about the saftey, security, health, well-being, growth & prosperity of each individial o...
This is a GitHub repository template. By using this template to create a repository, you can easily meet the requirements of the Community Standards.
Centrally manage AWS, GCP and self-managed servers and connect to them via SSH. Update security group, access control list, firewall and security policy rules with your new IP.
Explore my portfolio showcasing projects in data engineering, cybersecurity, software development, and cloud computing. Highlights include SQL tutorials, automation tools, cybersecurity assessments, a...
All legal documents related to the operation of our service
🔧 Community Health Files for Easier Collaboration.
Trusted Execution Environment for Mobile Code
🔧 Community Health Files for Easier Collaboration
Security and PKI/PGP - Please see the security repo instead