37signals policies, terms, and legal. Share them; reuse them; contribute to them.
翻译 - 大本营政策,条款和法律。分享他们;重用它们;为他们做出贡献。
Collaborative development on GitHub's site policies, procedures, and guidelines
Opt-Out tool to check Copyright reservations in a way that even machines can understand.
Current and prior versions of the terms that apply to your use of the Unity Editor software.
Documents versions that are not maintained by a dedicated actor. Maintained collaboratively by volunteer contributors.
Tracks contractual documents and exposes changes to the terms of online services.
Easily integrate legal documents to your application
📜 Requires users to accept the terms of service before accessing data.
Versions of terms of major social media platforms. Maintained by the Platform Governance Archive team, University of Bremen.
A WordPress plugin to generate Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
DEPRECATED - A Discord bot that ensures people agree to the rules before they can type anything anywhere
Documents added by volunteer contributors and historically imported from TOSBack.org. Maintenance is collaborative and volunteer-based.
Legal documents of fortrabbit in markdown with trackable changes
Boilerplate Legal Notices
Terms versions for and maintained by Terms of Service; Didn’t Read.
📜 Tracking legal related pages and stuff from various services and publishers
The EULA Automated Analysis Tool is a web application that retrieves, parses, and analyzes EULA documents. These documents can either be uploaded or retrieved from a publicly accessible URL. The tool ...