🚀 Useful README.md, LICENSE, CONTRIBUTING.md, CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md, SECURITY.md, GitHub Issues, Pull Requests and Actions templates to jumpstart your projects.
🖖 Generate a Code of Conduct for your project
A code of conduct template for conferences
Default configuration for @TheAlgorithms repositories
Syllabus for ITP course about Open Source
🌻 Template for creating new repositories
The Code of Conduct for all communities on Spectrum
A minimal alternative for other codes of conduct I have seen.
Internal documentation of the DSF Code of Conduct committee
A place for the Platform Engineering Community Guidelines and Code of Conduct.
The ITP/IMA Community Guidelines is an evolving work-in-progress document that establishes and communicates the commitment of the ITP/IMA community to uphold a key set of standards and obligations tha...
#自然语言处理#Module which returns the offensive words in a string. A soft reminder to be nicer to each other ❤️.
Global configurations for the jenkinsci GitHub organization
Template repo with common GH related files