ARC and GCD Compatible Reachability Class for iOS and MacOS. Drop in replacement for Apple Reachability
We need to observe the REAL reachability of network. That's what RealReachability do.
#IOS#🌐 Makes Internet connectivity detection more robust by detecting Wi-Fi networks without Internet access.
翻译 - by通过检测无法访问Internet的Wi-Fi网络,使Internet连接检测更加可靠。
Check if the internet connection is up
翻译 - 检查互联网连接是否正常
#IOS#A simple class to check for internet connection availability in Swift.
An always-on framework that performs end-to-end functional network testing for reachability, latency, and packet loss
Check if servers are reachable
RxSwift bindings for Reachability
Connectivity Plugin for Xamarin and Windows
#安卓#You can easily access the top of the screen in Android. Like a iPhone 6 & 6 Plus.
The Ultimate program analysis framework.
"TCMPortMapper.framework" is a clean and nice Objective-C API to provide knowledge about and improve the reachability of your machine from the big bad internet. "Port" is a nice standalone sam...
❌📱 A little swift Internet error status indicator using ReachabilitySwift
Neural Network Verification Software Tool
This script is used to find the fastest IP for a given site such as Google Translate, Cloudflare, GitHub, etc.
Plugin for the Leaflet JavaScript library to show areas of reachability based on time or distance for different modes of travel using the openrouteservice isochrones API.
Check if the internet connection is up
#计算机科学#AutoKoopman - automated Koopman operator methods for data-driven dynamical systems analysis and control.
Given an URL, it resolves as fast as possible, performing a GET without downloading the body.
We use reachability to ensure the safety of a decision agent acting on a dynamic system in real-time. We compute the Forward Reachable Set offline and use it online to adjust any potentially unsafe de...