Spreadsheet with AI, Code, Connections
Quadratic Funding is the mathematically optimal way to fund public goods in a democratic community.
A Julia package that solves Linearly Constrained Separable Optimization Problems using ADMM.
QF where you fund with your clout - not your $$$
A Julia package for manipulation of univariate piecewise quadratic functions.
Free and open source software for easy self-hosted quadratic funding!
An example of active vibration attenuation by linear quadratic control entirely implemented in ANSYS APDL.
Quadratic Solver: Quadratic Equation Calculator (A X^2 + B X^1 + D = 0)
Polynomial-converter is a website make for student who are fed up to convert yourself quadratics polynimomials to canonical or factorised form
A multiplayer game for quadratic equations
NextJS application built for PotLock (on NEAR)
With the help of a brand new KATS package, we can detect outliers, change points, and build very strong Time Series Analysis models. By inspecting this repository you can get a solid vision of KATS on...
A C# winforms calculator application
A native (no external libraries) golang 3D ray tracing renderer, that implements Ray intersection via the Phong-Reflection Model, Recursive Shape grouping with AABB optimizations and Constructive Soli...
Arduino based regression tool for calculating coefficients for fitting. This serial menu driven script provides the capability for using regression to determine fitting coefficients for multiple type...
Programm for solving square equations written (kind of) as big-a*s project. Check README.md for more details.