With Linked Social Toolkit [LST] you can like posts & comments, send birthday wishes, work anniversary wishes & new job wishes, send messages to connections, auto respond to messages, connect, remove,...
#网络爬虫#Prospects AI browser. Unique AI tool to extract (prospects) contact details from all over the Internet, from all over the world in the real time. Better alternative to Hunter.io and Snov.io
🤖🗺️ Headless browser scraper written in python to extract Places data from Google Maps.
#计算机科学#Jupyter notebook that outlines the process of creating a machine learning predictive model. Predicts the peak "Wins Shared" by the current draft prospects based on numerous features such as college st...
For freelancers dissatisfied with CRMs due to irrelevant B2B-focused features, keeep.app offers an app that provides a relationship-centered way to keep in touch with peers, prospects, and clients.
Prospectools est un outil créé par Andrew Mathieu pour envoyer des e-mails personnalisés à une liste de prospects à partir d'un fichier CSV. L'outil utilise les bibliothèques csv-parser et nodemailer ...
Every person its prospects. Your p2p, drag-n-drop solution - PHP: <=8.1, GPL
Cheaplead's official site :: Pull bulk leads in a jiffy.