#IOS#iOS project template with fastlane lanes, Travis CI jobs and GitHub integrations of Codecov, HoundCI for SwiftLint and Danger
翻译 - iOS项目模板,具有快速通道,Travis CI作业以及Codecov,HoundCI for SwiftLint和Danger的GitHub集成
A Danger plugin that shows all build errors, warnings and unit tests results generated from xcodebuild.
The best virus collection you will find, ever.
Show the coverage of the modified/created files on your PRs.
Detection of design principle violations in Kotlin as a plugin to detekt.
A Danger-Swift plugin that adds build errors, warnings and unit tests results generated from xcodebuild to your Danger report
A Danger plug-in to suggest code changes through inline comments in pull requests.
翻译 - 一个Danger插件,可通过请求请求中的内联注释来建议代码更改。
A Danger Plugin to lint dart files using flutter analyze command line interface.
DangerJS plugin to prevent merging any code that contains console log statements
Mobile App to show various cocktails🍸 🍷 🍹 from the CockTailDB .Written using Kotlin, Clean Architecture ,MVVM, Room ,Koin for DI and other jetpack libraries.
Danger plugin to automatically mention potential reviewers on pull requests
A Danger plugin to detect unused codes using Periphery.
When there's none to go to. In times of danger or trouble, there is nowhere to seek help from. Help-me comes with an innovative solution to the above problem. It will automatically send notifications ...