Make your Hacktoberfest 2020 contribution here! Win stickers and a T-shirt on completing 4 pull requests. (Specially for beginners)! :D
翻译 - 在这里做出您的Hacktoberfest 2020贡献!完成4个拉取请求后赢取贴纸和一件T恤。 (特别适合初学者)! :D
Der Gematik IDP-Server dient zur Identifizierung von Versicherten und Leistungserbringenden Organisationen.
A package to get RabbitMQ working with Laravel Horizon
⚡ Transforms all internal references to a module's exports such that each reference starts with "module.exports" instead of directly referencing an internal name.
Monitor your code for exposed API keys, tokens, credentials, and high-risk security IaC misconfigurations
Products specified by gematik which have to deal with PKI will have to handle certificates, ocsp requests/responses and TSLs (TrustedServiceProvider Status List). This library may help to understand t...
A package to support logging via email in Laravel
This is a repo dedicated to collecting and maintaining the status of bugs found on EPUB reading systems. Bugs may pertain to display, accessibility, and other issues.
A package to convert nested arrays and associative arrays into nested collections
Experimental GitHub Action to upload charm documentation to charmhub