Translucent effect for most of the win32 flyouts
A Full functional UINavigationBar framework for making bar transition more natural! You don't need to call any UINavigationBar api, implementing YPNavigationBarConfigureStyle protocol for your view co...
php probe for zipkin and opentracing
Camouflaged Object Detection, CVPR 2020 (Oral)
ShadowStock 影子证券提供完备的股票盯盘界面和外观隐蔽特性,允许自定义投资组合、关注实时盈亏;配套使用具备老板键和透明窗体特性的 Shadowin 影窗浏览器,发挥神器奇效!
WindowTextExtractor allows you to get a text from any window of an operating system including asterisk passwords
Customize Windows 10 Taskbar with few extra features
Transparent WiFi (TCP, UDP) to UART Bridge, in AP or STATION mode
Programmatically remove backgrounds from your images using the api
#安卓#Android video player with alpha channel (chroma key) support
Distributed transparent REST proxy for the Discord API, handles ratelimits for you, multi-bot support, dynamic, version agnostic
A bridge between Python's mitmproxy and Node.JS programs. Rewrite network requests using Node.JS!
TOM-Net: Learning Transparent Object Matting from a Single Image (CVPR 2018 Spotlight)
Translucent plastic card theme.
Instant NeRF for depth/3d shape estimation of transparent objects
a clone of suckless simple terminal aka st
This plugin can change selected colours to transparent and give result as image or imagedata. This plugin works IE9+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari.
[ICRA 2024]ASGrasp: Generalizable Transparent Object Reconstruction and 6-DoF Grasp Detection from RGB-D Active Stereo Camera