#安卓#Clean Architecture for Android - a sample project
Official repository of season 15; a multi-module Android app connected to the Rick and Morty API!
#安卓#Retrieve easily all the implementations of an interface
#安卓#A Multi-Module Android app built using with Jetpack Compose, Clean Architecture + MVVM, Flow, Hilt, WorkManager, Firebase, Room, DataStore, Retrofit, Coroutines, Navigation Compose
Movies demonstrates modern Android development with Hilt, RxJava3, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel,LiveData etc.), and Material Design based on MVVM clean architecture.
#安卓#wanAndroid 多模块开发,使用 kts 和 Composing builds 构建多模块。初学者,gradle 使用可能存在部分问题,欢迎来提 issues,如果对你有帮助就 Star 一下吧
Spring Framework Learning from scratch
Dagger implementation in multi module project
Spring Boot 3.2.2 와 Kotlin 1.9.22를 사용하여 만든 multi module 프로젝트 예시
The Carbs, Protein, Fat & Calories Tracker App.
This project aims to help the developer to quickly bootstrap multi-module project.
#安卓#Template to use as a base for writing Android applications using the latest Android framework features.
📂 Spring Boot multi-module application example
#安卓#Android kotlin sample app with modern tech stack
#安卓##MultiModular #Android #Compose #CleanArchitecture
SpringRestApi - Change from single module to multi module
#安卓#[Android] movie app sample with modern libraries stack
#安卓#My pet project where I learn and test eveything. Such a sandbox for me