#安卓#MPAndroidChart 一个强大、简单易用的 Android 图表库
a react native charts wrapper (support android & iOS)
#安卓#MPAndroidChart in Jetpack Compose and Kotlin Flow. This will let you see real-time charts of various sensors available inside android like accelerometer, magnetic, light sensor, etc.
【开发完善中...】高度封装MPAndroidChart,提供开箱即用的MPAndroidChart。两大原则:1.不修改MPAndroidChart源码,只继承封装原有功能实现扩展。2. 开箱即用。目标:可商用
#安卓#Android app that helps You keep up with SpaceX 🚀
A simple firebase enabled chat app. SMS & Email Password Authentication enabled.
#安卓#A Modern Expense Tracker built with Clean Architecture, Material 3, Animations & Dark Theme Support.
#安卓#Demo app to showcase ExoPlayer customisations like Stats-For-Nerds & Improved buffering.
#安卓#Simple application for tracking Covid-19 info. Stay safe.😷
#安卓#Expense Monitor App build to help users to manage their expenses and to follow android development best practices.
#安卓#An android application used to mark the attendance of the students by teacher and generate various reports.
#安卓#Coronavirus Stats is an Android application that provides you the latest stats about Covid-19, featured with a summary notification about your country delivered at the end of the day.
#安卓#It is a Android personal finance app. Use MVP and database is SQLite.
Simple sound meter Android app created with Jetpack Compose with dynamic theming
A simple app to tracking location while run, using room and jetpack compose