句子迷APP,MVP架构,Okhttp + Retrofit + RxJava,图片加载Glide,数据库Object-box
🔨A like Postman API debugger that supports custom encryption. 一个类似Postman的支持自定义加密传输的后台API接口调试工具.
#人脸识别#On-device customizable face recognition in Android with FaceNet and an embedded vector database
💡 An offline Flutter todo list app using Dart & ObjectBox Database with notification reminders & latest UI designs.
ObjectBox Generator based on FlatBuffers schema files (fbs) for C and C++ (more languages in the future)
RxCache(https://github.com/fengzhizi715/RxCache) for Android
#区块链#An app to demonstrate UBER's newest mobile architecture, RIBs.
#安卓# A modern Android base application written in Kotlin with MVVM architecture
#安卓#Flutter App benchmarking the performance of ObjectBox against others (e.g. sqflite, Hive).
#安卓#Kotlin version of Next music player
#安卓#Jetpack view navigation. Bottom navigation. Manage project with single activity
Flutter project that shows how to work with ObjectBox - High Performance NoSQL Database.