RecordRTC is WebRTC JavaScript library for audio/video as well as screen activity recording. It supports Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Android, and Microsoft Edge. Platforms: Linux, Mac and Windows.
翻译 - RecordRTC是WebRTC JavaScript库,用于音频/视频以及屏幕活动记录。它支持Chrome,Firefox,Opera,Android和Microsoft Edge。平台:Linux,Mac和Windows。
#安卓#A solution for streaming H.264, H.263, AMR, AAC using RTP on Android
翻译 - 在Android上使用RTP传输H.264,H.263,AMR,AAC的解决方案
MediaRecorder polyfill for Opus recording using WebAssembly
VueJs components for MediaRecorder API
vue实现的音乐Web App
#前端开发#An open source, privacy focused, in browser, live screen share and webcam video recorder
Voice Recorder Component for React
這個範例示範如何透過瀏覽器內建的 MediaStream API 來打造影音錄影的功能
#安卓#camera2 API的使用,camera1API的使用,连拍的实现,拍照预览,录像等等 app下为camera2的使用 ,camera1下为camera1的使用,radio下为录像的实现和连拍的使用。其中连拍的实现采用获取视频帧画面的方式
A simple demo on how to use the MediaStream Recorder API to record audio in the browser
#安卓#It is a voice recorder app using jetpack compose, room dabatase, dependency injection, MVVM architecture.
Poor Man's Screenflow that records your screen and camera and outputs a video
An offline-capable, mobile, web application to record, watch and upload videos to dailymotion.
Vue.js progressive web app for recording, downloading and streaming your desktop using the MediaRecorder API
#计算机科学#An AI-powered web application leveraging Next.js 14 and TensorFlow.js for real-time object detection. Utilizing Tensorflow model for accurate detection, webcam integration for live video streams, and ...
An example repository to show how WAV files can be created from MediaRecorder recordings
Video Recorder in React using MediaRecorder API