MicroPython for K210 RISC-V, let's play with edge AI easier
翻译 - 适用于Sipeed Maix板的Micropython env(K210 RISC-V)
micropython scripts for MaixPy
Python sdk for Sipeed Maix-II-Dock(v831). Other board please use https://github.com/sipeed/MaixPy
Cross platform GUI wrapper for kflash.py (download(/burn) tool for k210)
MicroPython implementation for Kendryte K210
#计算机科学#A simple trash/waste classifier developed using MaixPy (a MicroPython framework) to run on K210 MCU on Sipeed's Maix dev board
Use M5GO to track healthy code/position/RFID/temperature. 东南大学第一届物联网设计竞赛
#计算机科学#This repo shall provide info about "Small Things". Embedded/Edge Systems like the RPi, the Nvidia Jetson Nano, a range of ESP32 boards, Arduino hardware or just a simple RS-485 connector.
#计算机科学#A simple machine vision classifier of StarWars characters runs on K210, using MaixPy
A YOLOv2 object detector running on AIoT using MicroPython
M5StickV / Kendryte K210 / Sipeed Maix camera board -> Linux serial -> webserver