A proxy tool based on cloud function.
Cell is a Serverless First, componentized, platform-independent progressive application framework based on TypeScript. Cell 是基于 TypeScript 的 Serverless First、组件化、平台无关的渐进式应用框架。
基于 Go 实现的 OpenAI HTTP 代理(云函数、lambda 函数、自己部署均可)
A Cross-Platform, Multi-Cloud High-Performance Computing Platform
A list papers of learning how to building database system
☁ Tencent Cloud IM Server SDK in Java | 腾讯云 IM 服务端 SDK Java 版
Easily deploy serverless Express.js applications to Tencent Cloud with the Serverless Framework
Deploy Tencent Cloud Serverless Cloud Function in seconds with Serverless Components.
Tencent Cloud COS storage for Laravel based on overtrue/flysystem-cos.
Easily deploy serverless websites (e.g. Vue.js, React, static) to Tencent Cloud with the Serverless Framework
教育场景化解决方案App,包含基础的实时音视频通信和即时通信功能,支持丰富的课堂互动(举手、点名/签到等)和教育白板。 技术栈:Electron、React、Material-ui react、Webpack、sass等。
This site allows you to perform an HTTP ping to measure the network latency from your browser to the various cloud data centers around the world.
Add support for Tencent Cloud's serverless infrastructure to the Serverless Framework via this plugin
CDN HTTPS 证书自动更新,支持阿里云、腾讯云、华为云
This is a plugin to allow OmegaT to source machine translations from Tencent Cloud.
A template project for serverless functions for Tensorflow inference on Tencent Cloud.