Luigi is a Python module that helps you build complex pipelines of batch jobs. It handles dependency resolution, workflow management, visualization etc. It also comes with Hadoop support built in.
翻译 - Luigi是一个Python模块,可帮助您构建批处理作业的复杂管道。它处理依赖关系解析,工作流管理,可视化等。它还内置了Hadoop支持。
A light-weight wrapper library around Spotify's Luigi workflow library to make writing scientific workflows more fluent, flexible and modular
#计算机科学#Gokart solves reproducibility, task dependencies, constraints of good code, and ease of use for Machine Learning Pipeline.
A web frontend for scheduling Jupyter notebook reports
#计算机科学#Content for architecting a data science platform for products using Luigi, Spark & Flask.
#自然语言处理#An NLP framework for clinical phenotyping. Docker | Python | Solr | OMOP.
A luigi powered analytics / warehouse stack
🐍 🐳 Luigi in Docker - alpine and ubuntu images available
Luigi pipeline to download VoxCeleb(2) audio from YouTube and extract speaker segments
Saisoku is a Python module that helps you build complex pipelines of batch file/directory transfer/sync jobs.
#计算机科学#Migrated to:
#计算机科学#Automated ML pipeline with Python, Docker, Luigi, SciKit-Learn and Pandas to predict wine quality ratings
This is an editor for the new 3DS release of Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga.
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