Render LEGO building instructions in the browser using three.js
Detailed LEGO Junkbot remake and fancy level editor
Number Type Converter, online three.js 3D viewers: 3DM, 3DS, 3MF, AMF, ASSIMP, BIM, BREP, DAE, DST, FBX, GCODE, GLTF, IFC, IGES, JSON, LDRAW, MMD, OBJ, PCD, PDB, PLY, PRWM, SPLAT, STEP, STL, SVG, USDZ...
A web component for viewing models built with a certain type of plastic brick!
L²CU: LDraw Linux Command line Utility
A python utility package for creating, modifying, and reading LDraw files and data structures.
LDraw language support extension for Visual Studio Code.
LDraw part snapping and mirroring information for use in LDCad
A Rust library and command-line tool to manage LDraw files (.ldr)
A Fan-Made Digital Brick Building Sandbox