Move directories without breaking shortcuts or installations
翻译 - 在不破坏快捷方式或安装的情况下移动目录
Create file system symbolic links from low privileged user accounts within PowerShell
Splice junction analysis and filtering from BAM files
Road design tool for UnrealEngine
An environment-agnostic framework for comparing intersection control algorithms
A smart seek bar with multiple junction points at random seek position.
Exploiting TOCTOU vulnerability using OpLock and Junctions
A computational toolkit of fast and automatical identification of back-splice junctions of potential circular RNAs (circRNAs) from RNA-seq data.
Mklinker is a cross-platform console utility that let's you create multiple symbolic / junction / hard links at once based on a portable config file
Windows tools for creating, inspecting and removing links. Supports NTFS junctions.
App 'DealWithMeal' was developed and represented at Junction Hackathon by Borsch crew
A PowerShell module for managing hardlinks, junctions, symbolic links.
Proof of concept done for the Junction 2018 hackathon. Winner of the Bytom blockchain challenge.