Joda-Time is the widely used replacement for the Java date and time classes prior to Java SE 8.
翻译 - Joda-Time是Java SE 8之前的Java日期和时间类的广泛替代品。
Detect uses of legacy Java APIs
java.time Kotlin extension functions library.
Sample Contacts-like Android application used to learn Kotlin
#安卓#This is up-to-date android studio project for native android application, that is using modern tools and libraries.
Scala.js facade for JS-Joda with drop-in to use it as JSR310 implementation.
#安卓#Joda Time, with time zones provided by Android.
#安卓#The Noun Project for Android - application build with MVP architectural approach using Dagger2, RxJava2, Retrofit2, Event-Bus, GreenDao, Butterknife, Fresco etc.
🐳 基于SpirngBoot开发的师生交流平台
Lambda Expression, Functional Interface, Stream ForEach and Filter Methods, Stream Sorting List and Map, Map vs FlatMap, Optional Class, Map and reduce mechanism, Parallel Stream Processing, Exception...
datemath utilities for elasticsearch
#安卓#Developers salaries in Ukraine ( ) Android app
A set of extensions for ThreeTen library