CareerZunction, an open-source platform, offers 200+ internships. Its user-friendly interface enables students to access career resources and foster professional growth. By connecting students with di...
👨💻 A repository for computer science career opportunities.(面向计算机相关专业人员的求职信息聚合仓库)
Computer Science 1st Year Internship at UCLV 2023 (Java Swing App)
Welcome to my Personal Portfolio GitHub repository! Here, you'll find a curated collection of my journey, projects, and skills in web development and design. From responsive websites to creative desig...
InternPe Internship WEB-DEV. AUG23
Gerador de token desenvolvido em PHP usado durante estágio no Depart. de Gestão de Tecnologia da Informação. 🔑
#算法刷题#Unity project perfect maze generator with customizable algorithms
#安卓#Best app to view xkcd comics created for yandex mobdev
A Data Science project to analyze the customer feedback on quality service and improve the pitfalls in British Airways
#前端开发#Apresento meu Portfólio, desenvolvido com html, css e javascript. Nele demonstro um pouco da minha evolução.
Front-end Development Test Task for MacPaw Summer Internship 2020
Built Multiple APIs To Create College and Interns documents into Database by performing all the necessary validations in Email & Mobile respectively. Then fetch the colleges with the interns details w...