Host repository for The Turing Way: a how to guide for reproducible data science
翻译 - Turing Way的主机存储库:如何指导可再现数据科学
A simple HTML content extractor in Python. Can be run as a wrapper for Mozilla's Readability.js package or in pure-python mode.
A lightweight package for generating visually distinct colours.
Materials for The Alan Turing Institute's Research Software Engineering course
#自然语言处理#A Flexible Deep Learning Approach to Fuzzy String Matching
#计算机科学#scivision: a framework for scientific image analysis
#计算机科学#A computer vision pipeline for exploring and analyzing images at scale
SHEEP is a Homomorphic Encryption Evaluation Platform
Package for fitting Gaussian Process Emulators to multiple output computer simulation results.
TuringDataStories: An open community creating “Data Stories”: A mix of open data, code, narrative 💬, visuals 📊📈 and knowledge 🧠 to help understand the world around us.
Code respository for AutSPACEs: the Autistica/Turing citizen science platform
#自然语言处理#Information and materials for the Turing's "robots-in-disguise" reading group on fundamental AI research.
Deploy a BinderHub from scratch on Microsoft Azure