Meshtastic 设备固件。Meshtastic 是一种基于LoRa 协议的开源无线通信技术,旨在实现低功耗、长距离的通信
Wifi & BLE driven passenger flow metering with cheap ESP32 boards
Arduino source codes and toolchain for WiFi_Kit_series made by HelTecAutomation.
Heltec CubeCell Series (based on ASR6501, ASR6502 chip) Arduino support.
Hello World example code for the new Heltec WiFi LoRa 32 (V3) board with LoRa SX1262 chip
ASR Microelectronics ASR650x: development platform for PlatformIO
Arduino project on a ESP32 for NO2 measurement sending the data with LoRaWan to TheThingsNetwork.
Estación metereológica DIY con comunicaciones LoRaWAN TTN
Repositório oficial da placa LoRaWAN, um kit de desenvolvimento para protótipos IoT.
#大语言模型#Meshtastic-AI - Off-Grid LM-Studio / Ollama / OpenAI integration & Home Assistant API control for Meshtastic with custom commands & emergency alerts (sms, email, discord support).
A Free Automated Message Network Using Wifi And Lora
It's an IoT DIY project which notifies you when you have received a parcel or a letter in your letterbox. This project uses an HelTec AB01 LoRaWAN module to send data over an LoRaWAN Gateway when WiFi...
This DIY project is a LoRaWAN Rain Gauge based on CubeCell HTCC AB01 development Board.