Meshtastic 设备固件。Meshtastic 是一种基于LoRa 协议的开源无线通信技术,旨在实现低功耗、长距离的通信
Make Your Own Gear (MYOG) patterns and calculators for the outdoor and ultralight enthusiast
Render made for hiking and trekking
bkwds is an app that helps adventurers track their trips and travel safely
hikerherd helps you plan your adventures and organize your gear while reducing the weight your pack
Hikar.js - the Hikar webapp, using AR.js.
PackRat is a versatile adventure planner tailored for outdoor enthusiasts. It simplifies the process of organizing trips from a simple day hike to cross-country journeys.
Fitness OSINT Resources
xPlore is a tool to find places you've never visited before and start exploring them!
This tool reads the route of a hike and generates a table of iNaturalist observations along the trails. It also shows the observations and the route of the hike on a map. Moreover, it saves waypoints ...
#搜索#The search engine for climbers and outdoor lovers
#安卓#FAM, Mountain First Aid, is an IOS/Android application, that helps in case of emergencies when Internet Access is unreachable. The app is in develop in a private repository before the actual release.
RandoNavigo - Randonnées accessibles en transport autour de Paris
List some hikes near Grenoble feasible without a car (so using bus tram or train)
First-year university project. Hiking and mountaineering equipment web app.