Meshtastic 设备固件。Meshtastic 是一种基于LoRa 协议的开源无线通信技术,旨在实现低功耗、长距离的通信
This is a LoRa APRS iGate/Digi based on an ESP32
A LoRa based APRS tracker for ESP32 boards.
TTGO-T-Beam Arduino Car Tracker - ESP32 + LoRa + GPS + GSM (optional)
Low power consumption for TTGO t-beam
IoT-Leb Hackathon Tools
A tool to log LoRa communication designed for the TTGO T-Beam
Its a proof of concept to realize half-duplex comunication on ESP32 LoRa Boards.
A shield for the TTGO TBeam 1.1 to connect several environmental sensors. Made with KiCad
Sistema de monitoramento da qualidade do ar
A firmware for a remote environmental sensor node over LoRaWAN, based on the TTGO T-Beam 1.1 board
Its a proof of concept to realize a LoRa Repeater/Parrot on ESP32-LoRa Boards.