🔨 🍇 💻 🚀 GraphScope: A One-Stop Large-Scale Graph Computing System from Alibaba | 一站式图计算系统
A curated list of resources for graph databases and graph computing tools
#计算机科学#GraphIt - A High-Performance Domain Specific Language for Graph Analytics
#计算机科学#A reading list for deep graph learning acceleration.
🔧 Python Random Graph Generator
A general-purpose, distributed graph random walk engine.
HugeGraph Computer - A distributed graph processing system for hugegraph (OLAP)
Intro to Julius Graph
A curated list of graph learning papers, articles, tutorials, slides and projects
GRIN is a proposed standard graph retrieval interface in GraphScope.
Labs of High Performance Computing in Tsinghua University
DGraph is a system for directed graph processing with taking advantage of the strongly connected component structure. On this system, most graph partitions are able to reach convergence in order and n...
graph_data_parser for euler
Graph computation in Clojure using spec
A distributed computing platform, designed to scale to millions of nodes and providing metaphoric abstractions.
My initial study and experimentations with ray tracing ☀️