#计算机科学#Find big moving stocks before they move using machine learning and anomaly detection
翻译 - 使用机器学习和异常检测在移动之前找到大型移动股票
The AMLSim project is intended to provide a multi-agent based simulator that generates synthetic banking transaction data together with a set of known money laundering patterns - mainly for the purpos...
#区块链#🚜 🌾 A DeFi app, which provides staking & farming functions are deploy-able with a website, for yield farming.
A vectorized implementation of py_vollib, that supports numpy arrays and pandas Series and DataFrames.
This repository contains the customized trading algorithms that I have created using the Quantopian IDE.
Projeto de interface grafica, Programa Desktop, para gestor de Finanças Pessoais
Projeto financeiro usando domain driven design, tdd, arquitetura hexagonal e solid
iOS 14 Widget for Banking application built with SwiftUI
A personal budgeting app that helps you figure out where your money went, plan your budget ahead of time and analyze past expenditures.
Fingrom -- open-source platform-agnostic financial accounting application
#安卓#Track expenses effortlessly with zer0 - an open-source, lightweight app. No servers, no cloud - your data stays on your device using MongoDB Realm. Choose themes, manage categories, and sync seamlessl...
💲💰 Personal Finance Manager API
Low latency Limit Order Book and Matching Engine created in C++, able to handle over 1.4 million transactions per second.
#算法刷题#Heliosfinance is designed to assist finance developers by providing free access to data, a structured project setup for using Jupyter Notebooks with various tools. Share and gain knowledge!
#计算机科学#Codes and dashboards for 4th place solution for Kaggle's Home Credit Default Risk competition
Laravel Powered Finance Tracker and CRM
stock portfolio management system built with Django and deployed on Heroku
#区块链#Algorithmic trading using heterogeneous graph neural network and reinforcement learning, pre-alpha
Fast, Multi threaded and Efficient Trade Matching Engine
#自然语言处理#This repository consists of customized word embedding focused on banking and finance terms which will be helpful in analyzing and classifying financial sentiments or stock price sentiment analysis.