#计算机科学#Kedro 是一个用于构建可重现、可维护和模块化的数据科学代码的Python框架。它借鉴了软件工程的理念并将其应用于机器学习
#计算机科学#Aim 💫 — An easy-to-use & supercharged open-source experiment tracker.
翻译 - 目标-记录,搜索和比较AI实验的超级简便方法
#计算机科学#MLRun is an open source MLOps platform for quickly building and managing continuous ML applications across their lifecycle. MLRun integrates into your development and CI/CD environment and automates t...
Visualise your Kedro data and machine-learning pipelines and track your experiments.
#计算机科学#A simple & elegant experiment tracking framework that integrates persistence logic & best practices directly into Python
#计算机科学#Code for Kaggle and Offline Competitions
#自然语言处理#A Clojure machine learning library
SEML: Slurm Experiment Management Library
#Awesome# A curated list of awesome open source tools and commercial products for ML Experiment Tracking and Management 🚀
#计算机科学#Experiment tracking server focused on speed and scalability
#计算机科学#Deploy MLflow with HTTP basic authentication using Docker
#计算机科学#Parameterize Python scripts/notebooks all from the command line and run on cloud GPUs
#计算机科学#PyTorch Template for DL projects
#计算机科学#More light-weight pytorch experiment management library!
#计算机科学#GitHub Action That Retrieves Model Runs From Weights & Biases
#计算机科学#2 Lines of code to track ML experiments + EDA + check into Github
MLOps for deploying a Credit Risk model
#Awesome#A curated list of awesome open source and commercial MLOps platforms 🚀
#计算机科学#Lightweight and modular MLOps library targeted at small teams or individuals