Slurm: A Highly Scalable Workload Manager
翻译 - Slurm:高度可扩展的工作负载管理器
SEML: Slurm Experiment Management Library
qtop (pronounced queue-top) is a tool written in order to monitor the state of Queueing Systems, along with related information relevant on HPC & grid clusters. At present it supports **PBS, SGE & OAR...
AWS Slurm Cluster for EDA Workloads
slurm-docker-integration provides HPC-Kubernetes integration artifacts
#自然语言处理#🦁 An open-source NLP framework that offers high-level wrappers designed for effortless launch, enhanced reproducibility, superior control, and unmatched flexibility for your experiments.
Minimum working example of a slurm cluster, using LDAP and Docker
Easily manage and submit robust jobs to Slurm using Python and Bash.
Deploy SLURM Workload Manager on Ubuntu to Microsoft Azure
Slurm utility for checking account balance in ThaiSC's Tara System
A SLURM-like cluster workload manager simulator
Snap package for Slurm. Slurm is a highly scalable cluster management and job scheduling system for large and small Linux clusters :balance_scale:🐧
Package to provide Slurm/PBS experience on Azure Machine Learning
POV-Ray on Slurm Workload Manager demo scripts.
Slurm job scripts to run and analyze molecular dynamics simulations on high performance computers
A simple tool to perform parameter sweeps on SLURM clusters.
Build slurm scheduler at Rocky Linux 8 with pmix using github actions.
AHPCC Workshop - Getting Started with AHPCC
Command line monitoring tools for HPC systems with Slurm workload manager