Slurm: A Highly Scalable Workload Manager
翻译 - Slurm:高度可扩展的工作负载管理器
A scheduler for GPU/CPU tasks
DRMAA for Slurm: Implementation of the DRMAA C bindings for Slurm
qtop (pronounced queue-top) is a tool written in order to monitor the state of Queueing Systems, along with related information relevant on HPC & grid clusters. At present it supports **PBS, SGE & OAR...
AWS Slurm Cluster for EDA Workloads
Submit slurm cluster job(Sbatch) inside python and avoid shell script. Submission cmd can be customized to add more options.
A HPC Cluster on Proxmox VMs using the Slurm Scheduler.
Some useful commands to interact with the SLURM job scheduler
Easily manage and submit robust jobs to Slurm using Python and Bash.
A super simplistic way to perform hyperparameter tuning (and other things!) on SLURM. Made to be quick and easy to use and build on! and to get your jobs done faster.
Slurm is an open-source, highly configurable job scheduler for managing and optimizing the workload on HPC clusters. It provides a framework for job submission, resource allocation, and job tracking, ...
a (work in progress) attempt to transform the stanford memory lab's internal fmri preprocessing scripts into a generalizable template for consistency within and across lab projects
A small helper tool to manage SLURM job creation / submission in a more pythonic way.
Step by step configuration for a basic Slurm cluster
frof runs other frofs
Official Documentation for HPC-MARWAN Read The Docs
A simple web interface to submitt jobs to a slurm cluster using djagno