fMRIPrep is a robust and easy-to-use pipeline for preprocessing of diverse fMRI data. The transparent workflow dispenses of manual intervention, thereby ensuring the reproducibility of the results.
翻译 - fMRIPrep是用于预处理各种fMRI数据的强大且易于使用的管道。透明的工作流程无需人工干预,从而确保了结果的可重复性。
This repository contains the files that generate Andy's Brain Book on ReadTheDocs.
bids application for processing functional MRI data, robust to scanner, acquisition and age variability.
Using computational tools to explore the networks underlying cognitive neuroscience
Preprocessing Pipelines for EEG (MNE-python), fMRI (nipype), MEG (MNE-python/autoreject) data
Scripts for comparing different fmriprep denoising approaches on quality control functional connectivity (QC-FC) motion, QC-FC distance-dependence, and temporal degree of freedom loss.
Example pipeline for preprocessing, reading in behavioural files, first level and second level analysis
An analysis tool that uses per-voxel statistical maps in conjunction with FSL atlases to create per-region statistical maps. Current usage includes the creation of regional maps of temporal signal to ...
A Matlab toolbox for examining the quality of structural (SNR) and functional (tSNR, SFNR) MRI
This code repository contains a collection of Python scripts for classifying autistic and control conditions using Support Vector Machines (SVM), leveraging preprocessed functional MRI (fMRI) data fr...
A generally applicable whole-brain preprocessing toolbox for mice and rats
Implementation of LSTM and CNN models for classification of visual stimuli from fMRI data on BOLD5000 dataset
#计算机科学#🐀🧠Using Convolutional Neural Networks to Predict fMRI Noise in Rats
Materials for the "fMRI analysis" workshop at the Cognitive Neuroscience Skills Training In Cambridge-2023 (COGNESTIC-2023).
legacy signal processing leveraging afni, ants, fsl, nipy, robex, and wavelet toolbox - brnfswdktm
An attempt at an fMRIPost workflow for handling phase data
A collection of python scripts and functions to (po)st(p)rocess fmridata, preprocessed with fmriprep
#计算机科学#fMRI data processing pipelines
a (work in progress) attempt to transform the stanford memory lab's internal fmri preprocessing scripts into a generalizable template for consistency within and across lab projects