#大语言模型#Database system for AI-powered apps
🧸「One Last Image」卢浮宫生成器 One Last Kiss 封面风格生成
Generate Evangelion title card like a boss 😎
翻译 - 像老板一样生成新世纪福音战士头衔😎
#安卓#Flutter package for Eva Icons. Eva Icons is a pack of more than 480 beautifully crafted Open Source icons for common actions and items. https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/eva_icons_flutter
#编辑器#a colorscheme for {neo,}vim inspired by neon genesis evangelion. supports diagnostics, cmp, fzf, gitsigns, lazy, lsp, lualine, telescope, treesitter, trouble, which-key, & more.
EvaNotebook - A P2P Browser-Based Computational Notebook for Real Systems with IA.
Github Template for EVA applications
⚛❤️ ReactJS component for open source Eva Icons library
This is a Evangelion Unit 01 inspired XFCE/gtk3 theme. It was build upon the Sakura-Dark theme.
Open source voice-enabled personal assistant