Experimental application for monitoring earthquakes world-wide in near real time. Capable of issuing its own earthquake early warnings (EEW).
Introduction to OpenEEW, an open-source Earthquake Early-Warning toolkit
Taiwan Real-time Earthquake Monitoring Lite ( 臺灣即時地震監測 輕量版 )
A Discord bot to notify Earthquake Early Warning (EEW) in Japan
Hardware for an OpenEEW sensor
地震情報アプリ「Zero Quake」のリポジトリです。地震関連の様々な情報を、このアプリ一つで確認できます。速報性や信頼性、ユニバーサルデザイン等、いざというときにスムーズに情報を取得できる工夫をしています。
A real-time Earthquake Early Warning(EEW) plugin for Minecraft Server.
基于 Python / Qt6 的轻量级中国四川地震预警软件
Earthquake and Tsunami warnings for Discord - Discordに緊急地震速報と津波警報
Server-side releases for GlobalQuake
(配合地牛Wake Up!)在地震速報觸發時順便發送discord訊息提醒伺服器
The Electric Eel Wheel 5 is an electric spinning wheel that converts fiber (an example being sheep's wool) into yarn. This site contains the open source files for this project. It includes source co...
기상청 실시간 지진감시 클라이언트
Multi-platform Earthquake Early Warning (EEW) notification system
Earthquake Early Warning (EEW) tools by Grillo. Can create a network of accurate sensors for a lower cost than alternatives. Contribute to sense, detect, and alert features.
Package eew is EEW(緊急地震速報) reader/decoder for golang
(配合地牛Wake Up!)在地震速報觸發時順便發送line訊息提醒群組