ObsPy: A Python Toolbox for seismology/seismological observatories.
A Python interface for the Generic Mapping Tools.
#计算机科学#SeisBench - A toolbox for machine learning in seismology
Bag of really useful geoscience equations and stuff
An official read-only mirror of https://git.pyrocko.org/pyrocko/pyrocko. A seismology toolkit for Python.
DEPRECATED in favor of our newer libraries (see www.fatiando.org). Python toolkit for modeling and inversion in geophysics.
A Python Package for Monitoring Seismic Velocity Changes using Ambient Seismic Noise | http://www.msnoise.org
Earthquake detection and analysis in Python.
Numba-accelerated computation of surface wave dispersion
A Python package for automatic earthquake detection and location using waveform migration and stacking.
Collection of GMT (Generic Mapping Tools) scripts, jupyter notebooks (using PyGMT) and files (including digitized map content, colormaps, grid files etc.)
A Python toolbox for the query, retrieval, processing and management of seismological data sets, including very large, heterogeneous and/or dynamically growing ones.
PyGMI - Python Geophysical Modelling and Interpretation
Inversion of dispersion curves using Evolutionary Algorithms
calibrate ETAS, simulate using ETAS, estimate completeness magnitude & magnitude frequency distribution