Experimental application for monitoring earthquakes world-wide in near real time. Capable of issuing its own earthquake early warnings (EEW).
Taiwan Real-time Earthquake Monitoring(臺灣即時地震監測)
Taiwan Real-time Earthquake Monitoring ( 臺灣即時地震監測 )
Taiwan Real-time Earthquake Monitoring Lite ( 臺灣即時地震監測 輕量版 )
Taiwan Real-time Earthquake Monitoring (Lite)
基于 Python / Qt6 的轻量级中国四川地震预警软件
A real-time Earthquake Early Warning(EEW) plugin for Minecraft Server.
Server-side releases for GlobalQuake
Multi-platform Earthquake Early Warning (EEW) notification system
기상청 실시간 지진감시 클라이언트
Package eew is EEW(緊急地震速報) reader/decoder for golang
#计算机科学#E3WS: Earthquake Early Warning starting from 3 seconds of records on a single station with machine learning
기상청 PEWS(사용자 맞춤형 지진정보서비스) 파서 Korea Meteorological Administration's PEWS (Personalized Earthquake Information Service) parser written in Golang
Earthquake Alarm Bot
PEWS Python asynchronous client / 사용자 맞춤형 지진정보서비스 비동기 클라이언트
#计算机科学#A comparison between two Deep Learning Models to find an Optimum one for Real-Time EEW (Earthquake Early Warning) Applications