A new DXF writer and reader in PHP which outputs AC1012 (R15) DXF files
Python 2D parametric DXF rendering CAD engine
This is a simple Revit API plugin to read the DXF file using netDXF library and Drawing its(Grids - Walls - Floor) in Revit using Revit API
Python/Windows .dxf Viewer with Measurements
Quick and dirty script to pull vector graphics from a PDF and export to DXF drawing files.
This AGV is designed to meet the light duty industerial needs ,with 100kg payload -25kg in earlier version- and 7 hours of avg. working hours and 2 hours of charging, however that agv is targeting the...
This is a new -- work in progress -- Electronic and Digital Components block library for in the dxf format. It is compatible with softwares that support the dxf format, like LibreOffice, Inkscape, Lib...
Location for orginal CNC assets, and sources of existing/modifies ones e.g. DXF, SVG files for designs/plans.
Backplate fabrication files for DEXON (now Schneider Electric) DXN501DG Box metalic back plate. Knockouts template for drilling holes for external connector and cables