Custom programming interpreter for ZSharp (Z#), a custom game programming language I made
A powerful PHP template engine optimized for dynamic code generation and model-driven architecture. Process templates recursively, customize syntax through unique dialects, and seamlessly integrate wi...
This is a syntax highlighter for AutoHotKey in Notepad++ that matches the Visual Studio dark theme.
A virion for localization. Supports parameter declaration and checking, plurals and more.
LTHC Lang is a simply programming langage created with java
The installer for the SlomeScript programming language for windows
The CCL (Contextual C-like Language) Specification
RmbRT Language Bootstrap Compiler: syntax at
The Natscript interpreter, a custom programming language, with a natural English-like syntax.
A simplified web version of LTHC Lang named LTHC Lang Web.Version
This tool will compile MAAL into MAALB (Bytecode)
A programming language I made in a day that I still am improving
Bassil: A modern, mid-level interpreted programming language designed for efficiency and readability. Featuring robust lexical analysis, error handling, and cross-platform support for Windows and Linu...
small custom language compiler (compiles to JVM - bytecode)
Transpile from a simple language to whitespace
Interprete programming language, working by Python. Syntax similar to SQL + Assembler
My very own custom language (BASIC dialect) and compiler built in C++.
This is my functional programming language that looks like Haskell but it cache every function.
A work-in-progress programming language, focused on a kind of crazy, but "well" considered concept...