Overlay for running GPU shaders on top of Windows desktop
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Play emulators at native resolution on your old TV/CRT monitor on Ubuntu
RetroArch GLSL shader for 240p CRT output
Experiment: rendering custom canvas contents in a simulated 3D CRT monitor
CSync Video Signal detector for Arduino Pro Micro
Designed to replicate the classic CRT monitors, black background with vibrant green text in the dark, while the light has a soft green background for contrast.
StrobeAPI - Simple software based strobing library written in C++.
Cheat sheet for calibrating Sony Trinitron CRT TVs
CRT Tube Yoke Impedance List
A concept Portfolio website based on Edwin Keijl's Retro CRT terminal screen
Flashback with CRT emulation shader
My RaspberryPi4 AV/Composite Video output configuration for CRT monitors on Recalbox 8.1.1
Modeline timing calculator for MCUs and FPGAs
A guide for hacking CRT TVs to make a crude oscilloscopes to visualize music in real time
A shader trying to replicate old CRT monitors and their noise
A python and matlab library for measuring jitter between a monitor controlled by a stimulus computer & markers / triggers received by EEG acquisition software
A terminal styled WordPress theme with a CRT screen effect
PAL & Arcade additions/changes to ErantyInt's CRTPi-VGA project