👋💣 physics based hooks for @react-three/fiber
翻译 - react基于物理的三纤维反应钩
🧬 Training the car to do self-parking using a genetic algorithm
A bowling simulation in Spark AR with Cannon.js
A helper module for connecting Spark AR with physics libraries
🧩Playing with Threejs + Cannonjs
Mini car racing webgame on react-three-fiber + cannon.js
Project Park is a 3-d open-world game inspired by Rocket League. Users are given a car created using blender, which they can use to collide with various game props. The goal of the game is to try and ...
Imagine 3d game worlds with webpage parts on polygons. Early experiment in making a 3d webpage. Puts a html div on the top polygon of a CannonJS RigidVehicle, and 2 input type=range / sliders in it, o...
🎨 Obstacles (Threejs + CannonJs)
Game Parkour 3D on website. Building with THREE.JS and CANNON.JS
Web Interaction with : 3D / Gravity / LeapMotion
Projekt z przedmiotu Wstęp do grafiki komputerowej (AGH, WIET, 2020/2021). Projekt przedstawia prostą scenę w której możemy się poruszać postacią za pomocą klawiatury.
Examples about webgl via three.js on nuxt & typescript
Learning how to use linear and rotational damping for ball movement