A large scale non-linear optimization library
翻译 - 大规模非线性优化库
a lightweight header-only C++17 library of numerical optimization methods for (un-)constrained nonlinear functions
OptimLib: a lightweight C++ library of numerical optimization methods for nonlinear functions
#算法刷题#Mathematical tools (interpolation, dimensionality reduction, optimization, etc.) written in C++11 with Eigen
HPC solver for nonlinear optimization problems
#算法刷题#MATLAB implementations of a variety of nonlinear programming algorithms.
Autodiff is a numerical library for the Go programming language that supports automatic differentiation. It implements routines for linear algebra (vector/matrix operations), numerical optimization an...
#计算机科学#Python implementation of some numerical (optimization) methods
A library that provides routines to compute the solutions to systems of nonlinear equations.
General Purpose Optimization in R using C++: provides a unified C++ wrapper to call functions of the algorithms underlying the optim() solver
#计算机科学#A Minimalist Machine Learning Library written in Swift
Unconstrained optimization algorithms in python, line search and trust region methods
Some examples on computing MLEs using TensorFlow
Optimize nonsmooth functions with gradient sampling, (ns) BFGS...
Optimization in ML
Numerical optimization solvers for unconstrained and simple-bounds constrained convex optimization problems in Rust
Modern Fortran Refactoring of L-BFGS-B Nonlinear Optimization Code
Index of different Optimization Methods