autocorrelation-based O(NlogN) pitch detection
DSP algorithms for chord detection + key estimation
#计算机科学#Developer Version of the R package CAST: Caret Applications for Spatio-Temporal models
#时序数据库#Python package for early warning signals (EWS) of bifurcations in time series data.
Faster, better, smarter ecological niche modeling and species distribution modeling
Error propagation and statistical analysis for Monte Carlo simulations in lattice QCD and statistical mechanics using autograd.
Pitch Detection on Arduino using Autocorrelation
REPeating Pattern Extraction Technique (REPET) in Python for audio source separation: original REPET, REPET extended, adaptive REPET, REPET-SIM, online REPET-SIM
a Python package for unbiased estimation of timescales and hypothesis testing
#计算机科学#Routines for exploratory data analysis.
remotePARTS is a set of tools for running Partitioned spatio-temporal auto regression analyses on remotely-sensed data sets.
#时序数据库#The simulation of stationary time-series (discrete-time random process) with a specific autocorrelation function (ACF) and continuous probability distribution.
A package to compute and test the significance of linear dependence between multiple autocorrelated time series.
“Disparitybased space-variant image deblurring,” Signal Processing: Image Communication, vol. 28, no. 7, pp. 792–808, 2013.
xDF estimates variance of Pearson's correlations among highly autocorrelated time series.
#计算机科学#spatial resampling for more robust cross validation in spatial studies
1. Using facebook's Prophet to predict Bitcoin values. 2. Using Reddit comments and scores to measure time series sentiment, as a supplementary feature in a multivariate LSTM RNN.
Source code of SACD(Super-resolution with Auto-Correlation two-step Deconvolution)
Pitch Track Hack - Pythonic Implementation of the Pitch track used in autotune patent