#IOS#Pure python3 implementation for working with iDevices (iPhone, etc...).
#IOS#A fuse filesystem to access the contents of iOS devices
Fan control for ASUS devices running Linux
Some of the projects i made when starting to learn R for Data Science at the university
Repository containing the gateware for the Beam Position Monitor project
Ce dépôt GitHub regroupe tous les cours, TP, TD, projets, et exercices de ma formation en master en mathématiques appliquées pour la science des données. Parcourez-le pour une vue complète de mon parc...
The integrated transit ticketing system aims to allow for seamless payment for all kinds of transport: be it bus, tram, train, metro, maybe bike sharing and even cable car - if it takes you from A to ...
An android app to enable indoor navigation using BLE Beacons
My solutions for the practical work of the Data Analysis (Analyse de données - AD) module in my 3rd year of state engineering studies at ENSTTIC
Wi-Fi 7 與 AFC 法規認證研討與測試驗證
Cette page regroupe du matériel pédagogique pour des enseignements des techniques factorielles, essentiellement l’analyse en composantes principales (ACP), l’analyse factorielle des correspondances (A...
Dentist Concept is a concept small business website built from the ground up using WordPress and ACF Pro.
Very simple CA (correspondance analysis) implementation in R allowing to easily project supplementary rows afterwards
A calculator that will allow you to calculate the chances of your pregnancy based on your AMH, AFC and BMI values.