#IOS#Estimote Fleet Management SDK for iOS
翻译 - 适用于iOS的Estimote Fleet Management SDK
#安卓#Estimote Fleet Management SDK for Android
BlueRange Mesh - The first completely connection-based open source mesh on top of Bluetooth LE (>=4.1/5.0)
Real Intelligence Threat Analytics (RITA) is a framework for detecting command and control communication through network traffic analysis.
Share links from your Mac using this app to broadcast them as a Physical Web Eddystone URL bluetooth beacon or mDNS.
Beacon Locator - android application for scan, track and management of beacons
Useful Cobalt Strike Beacon Object Files (BOFs) used during red teaming and penetration testing engagements.
Flutter beacons plugin for Android and iOS.
A simple and easy Arduino / Pi Pico / ESP8266-powered WSPR, FT8, and FT4 beacon system which uses NTP + DS3231 RTC for timing. Super extensible! Now comes with optional GPS support.
#安卓#Indoor Positioning System using Bluetooth Low Energy and Triangulation
Python package for scanning and advertising Eddystone-URL and Eddystone-UID.
Cross-platform, full Bluetooth Mesh stack implemented in Rust
Mac OSX desktop client app to scan for Physical Web (Eddystone) bluetooth beacons
Low-cost iBeacon using Raspberry Pi
A rule-based approach to tracking element visibility.
A BLE tool library to decode some advertising data in object mode (used on ESP32 and Pycom modules)
#安卓#Rx binding for AltBeacon (Android-Beacon-Library)