Machine Learning Self Driving Car Trained With a Genetic Algorithm
General purpose workflow for machine learning projects applied to the https://numer.ai data challenges.
Data for the talk given on topic "Practical Machine Learning" at Don Bosco Institute of Technology
End-to-End project using Flask and HTML and deploy on AWS
#计算机科学#A naive bird that learns how to flap by NeuroEvolution.
Online trading using Artificial Intelligence Machine leaning with python on Indian Stock Market
Kibana app plugin for creating alert settings of Elasticsearch Machine Leaning Job easily
Video player for leaning English. Just one tap on subtitle to add new flash card.
#计算机科学#This guide should help fellow researchers and hobbyists to easily automate and accelerate there deep leaning training with their own Kubernetes GPU cluster.
A light restful server built on netty. If you are preparing for leaning java or netty, it's a nice gift for you.
#区块链#blockchain_go in rust: A simplified blockchain implementation in rust for leaning / 用 rust 从零开始构建区块链(Bitcoin)
DataCamp Facebook Live Code Along Session 2: Learn how to complete a Kaggle competition using exploratory data analysis, data munging, data cleaning and machine leaning. Enjoy.
DataCamp Facebook Live Code Along Session 2: Learn how to complete a Kaggle competition using exploratory data analysis, data munging, data cleaning and machine leaning. Enjoy.
* See all my Machine Leaning projects ! : Adaboost ensemble, Latent Dirichlet Allocation, Decision tree, Kmean, Logistic Regression, Latent Dirichlet Allocation , TF-IDF, Clustering, Image classificat...