#区块链#📱 Trust - Ethereum Wallet and Web3 DApp Browser for iOS
#区块链#An advanced Ethereum mobile wallet
#区块链#An advanced Ethereum/EVM mobile wallet
#区块链#🖥 Lisk graphical user interface for desktop
#区块链#Fully featured Graphical User Interface / Reference Wallet for the BitShares Blockchain
#区块链#Connect to applications on EOS, Ethereum, and Tron. Exchange tokens with ease. Manage your assets safely. All in a simple to use interface.
翻译 - 连接到EOS,以太坊和Tron上的应用程序。轻松交换令牌。安全地管理您的资产。一切都在一个易于使用的界面中。
#大语言模型#A 'super app' engine for your project. React Native (iOS, Android) and React.js (Web, desktop). Social Sign In 🄵, Messaging 💬 (chat, voice, push notifications), Web3 Wallet 🪪 (profile QR, documents...
Scripts collection to generate ECDSA keypairs and derive their Ethereum address
#IOS#Comprehensive Bitcoin development library for iOS, implemented on Swift. SPV wallet implementation for Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin and Dash blockchains. Comprehensive Bitcoin development library f...
Comprehensive Bitcoin development library for Android, implemented on Kotlin. SPV wallet implementation for Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin and Dash blockchains. Fully compliant with existing standard...
#区块链#you can build your own trustee wallet from full source code
#区块链#blockchain_go in rust: A simplified blockchain implementation in rust for leaning / 用 rust 从零开始构建区块链(Bitcoin)
#区块链#All things #DeFi - trustless and transparent financial products built on top of the blockchain.
#区块链#All things #DeFi - trustless and transparent financial products built on top of the blockchain.
#区块链#Munt is a witness-secured decentralized network for payments, digital assets, finance and more
#区块链#Your entry point to the Waves blockchain and Waves-powered web services
#区块链#Mina Protocol moblie app wallet
#区块链#Blockchain wallet Node SDK, including all mnemonic content, digital currency address private key generation, private key management, transaction signature, etc.
#区块链#Android cryptocurrency wallet app with clean architecture