#自然语言处理#BertViz: Visualize Attention in NLP Models (BERT, GPT2, BART, etc.)
翻译 - 可视化Transformer模型中的注意力的工具(BERT,GPT-2,Albert,XLNet,RoBERTa,CTRL等)
Localization/I18n: Incrementally update/translate your Strings files from .swift, .h, .m(m), .storyboard or .xib files.
Open-source Rust framework for building event-driven live-trading & backtesting systems
Dynamically changes status bar style depending on content behind it
Summarization Task using Bart and T5 models.
翻译 - 使用Bart和T5模型的汇总任务。
Sample Bixby Capsule - BART Schedule
Integrating Bart Dring's Servo Pen Control and GRBL
Prompt Fine-tuning on GLM, BART and Flan-T5.
Realtime display for transit (MUNI and BART) near BlinkTag offices
DP-BART for Privatized Text Rewriting under Local Differential Privacy
Seq2Seq architectures: BERT+GRU, BART, T5 are implemented for Neural Question Generation (NQG) on SQuAD datasets
Fully configured AKS cluster deployed through Terraform with Application Gateway, Azure Key Vault, Azure Container Registry, Pod Identity and Log Analytics