WPScan WordPress security scanner. Written for security professionals and blog maintainers to test the security of their WordPress websites. Contact us via contact@wpscan.com
翻译 - WPScan是一款免费的,非商业用途的黑盒子WordPress安全扫描程序,专门为安全专业人员和博客维护者编写,用于测试其WordPress网站的安全性。
WPScan rewritten in Python + some WPSeku ideas
vMass Bot 🪝 Vulnerability Scanner & Auto Exploiter Tool Written in Perl.
Docker images for infosec tools
Wordpress Watcher is a wrapper for WPScan that manages scans on multiple sites and reports by email and/or syslog. Schedule scans and get notified when vulnerabilities, outdated plugins and other risk...
All In One Tools Hacking
Advanced use of WPScan (WordPress Security Scanner) with other tools like nmap, nikto, owasp-zap, ids for ethnical Hackers
Wordpress Plugins List
WPScan is a black box WordPress vulnerability scanner.
WordPress vulnerability scanner
O AutoRecon é um projeto de automação de ferramentas de segurança focado em facilitar o processo de varredura e coleta de informações em ambientes de rede.
Userenum es una herramienta desarrollada totalmente en bash. Tiene como función (a través de formas pasivas o agresivas) obtener los usuarios de WordPress para la posterior fuerza bruta.
A little bash script to automaticlly enumerate wordpress Users and Wordpress Vulnerabillities
Attempt to Brute-force a WordPress website User Credentials using XMLRPC
Is your target hosting a WordPress website? Want to get exclusive access to this website? Discover some techniques and learn how to use the WPScan tool to gain access to your target!
WPScan plugin for the Dradis Framework