Identify technology on websites.
翻译 - 识别网站上的技术。
#网络爬虫# All in one tool for Information Gathering, Vulnerability Scanning and Crawling. A must have tool for all penetration testers
翻译 - 信息收集,漏洞扫描和爬网的一站式工具。所有渗透测试人员必须具备的工具
#网络爬虫# vulnx 🕷️ an intelligent Bot, Shell can achieve automatic injection, and help researchers detect security vulnerabilities CMS system. It can perform a quick CMS security detection, information collect...
翻译 - vulnx🕷️是一个智能的机器人自动外壳注入器,可以检测多种类型的cms中的漏洞{`wordpress,joomla,drupal,prestashop ..}