Detailed web scraping tutorials for dummies with financial data crawlers on Reddit WallStreetBets, CME (both options and futures), US Treasury, CFTC, LME, MacroTrends, SHFE and alternative data crawle...
#区块链#Add live stock & crypto prices to your discord sidebar.
This program goes thru reddit, finds the most mentioned tickers and uses Vader SentimentIntensityAnalyzer to calculate the ticker compound value.
This program finds the most mentioned ticker on r/wallstreetbets and uses Vader SentimentIntensityAnalyzer to calculate the sentiment analysis.
#网络爬虫#Detailed web scraping tutorials for dummies with financial data crawlers on Reddit WallStreetBets, CME (both options and futures), US Treasury, CFTC, LME, MacroTrends, SHFE and alternative data crawle...
#网络爬虫#Scrape most mentioned stock tickers from Reddit. Wallstreetbets and Wallstreetbetsnew
Ideas, research, and models related to the stock market.
#自然语言处理#Reddit Sentiment Analysis of r/Wallstreetbets/$AMC and Bollinger Bands Technical Indicator Correlation
#自然语言处理#Analyze Reddit posts/comments, uses an NLP model to recognize stock symbols and options positions
#计算机科学#GloVe embeddings of WSB to help predict the S&P 500
Datasets of Robinhood-related research papers, screenshots (UI/UX/losses). Why 100% degens lose money.
The top 100 "hot" posts from r/wallstreetbets pulled every hour on the hour.
#区块链#The best discord bot for stocks (Prices, charts, & sec filings)
Bayesian MLM approach to sentiment analysis of r/wallstreetbets and Robinhood usage
The largest decentralized hedge fund in the world
A containerized Python & SQL stock trading program
A python service which analyzes r/WallStreetBets posts and returns information about symbols, right to your mobile device.
Displays the top 50 stocks discusses on reddit/r/wallstreetbets/ on a given date.
The only open-source solution which finds popular stocks on reddit in near realtime
A Python package for extracting posts from reddit (r/wallstreetbets) and running through the vader sentiment analyser.